Permanent Blue Hair Dye: The Ultimate Guide

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If you are looking to change your hair color, blue is a bold and exciting option. However, maintaining the color can be a challenge. This is where permanent blue hair dye comes in. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about this hair dye and its benefits.

What is Permanent Blue Hair Dye?

Permanent blue hair dye is a hair color that lasts for a long time. Unlike temporary or semi-permanent hair dyes, permanent hair dye penetrates the hair shaft and changes the hair color from the inside out. This makes the color long-lasting and more vibrant.

Benefits of Permanent Blue Hair Dye

Permanent blue hair dye has several benefits. Firstly, it lasts longer than temporary or semi-permanent hair dyes. Secondly, it is more vibrant and consistent in color. Thirdly, it is suitable for all hair types and textures. Lastly, permanent hair dye does not fade as easily as other dyes, which makes it a great option for those who want to maintain their blue hair color for a longer time.

How to Apply Permanent Blue Hair Dye

Before applying any hair dye, it is essential to perform a patch test to ensure that you are not allergic to the dye. Once you have confirmed that you are not allergic, you can proceed with the following steps: 1. Start with clean, dry hair. 2. Apply petroleum jelly around your hairline to prevent staining. 3. Mix the permanent blue hair dye according to the instructions on the package. 4. Apply the dye evenly to your hair, starting from the roots and working towards the ends. 5. Leave the dye on for the recommended time. 6. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water until the water runs clear. 7. Apply conditioner to your hair and leave it on for a few minutes. 8. Rinse your hair with cool water and towel dry.

How to Maintain Permanent Blue Hair Dye

To maintain your permanent blue hair dye, you should: 1. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to avoid fading. 2. Avoid heat styling tools as heat can damage the hair and cause the color to fade. 3. Protect your hair from the sun by wearing a hat or using a UV protectant spray. 4. Touch up your roots every 4-6 weeks to maintain the color.


Q: Can I dye my hair blue without bleaching?

A: It is possible to dye your hair blue without bleaching, but the color will not be as vibrant. Bleaching helps to remove the natural pigments in your hair, which allows the blue dye to show up better. If you have dark hair, it is recommended to bleach your hair before applying the blue hair dye.

Q: Can permanent blue hair dye damage my hair?

A: Permanent hair dye can damage your hair if it is not applied correctly or if you leave it on for too long. It is important to follow the instructions on the package and perform a patch test before applying the dye. You should also use a deep conditioning treatment to restore moisture to your hair after the dyeing process.

Q: How long does permanent blue hair dye last?

A: Permanent blue hair dye can last up to 6-8 weeks, depending on how often you wash your hair and how well you maintain the color. Touching up your roots every 4-6 weeks can help to extend the life of the color.

Q: Can I remove permanent blue hair dye?

A: It is possible to remove permanent blue hair dye, but it can be challenging. You can try using a clarifying shampoo or a color remover kit to fade the color. However, these methods can also damage your hair, so it is important to be cautious.


Permanent blue hair dye is a great option for those who want to maintain their hair color for a longer time. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can achieve a vibrant and long-lasting blue hair color. Remember to perform a patch test before applying the dye and to maintain your color to extend its life.

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