Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting: A Festive Tradition In New York City

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The History of Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting

For almost nine decades, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting has been a beloved tradition in New York City. It all started in 1931 when construction workers building Rockefeller Center decorated a small, 20-foot balsam fir tree with handmade garlands and strings of cranberries. Since then, the tree lighting ceremony has grown into a grand event that attracts thousands of visitors from around the world.

The Tree

Every year, the Rockefeller Center selects a Norway Spruce tree from a different part of the country to be the centerpiece of the holiday season. The tree is usually between 75 and 90 feet tall and weighs around 12 tons. It takes a team of skilled workers to cut down the tree, transport it to New York City, and set it up at Rockefeller Center.

The Ceremony

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony takes place every year on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. The event is broadcast live on television and features performances by popular musicians, dancers, and singers. At around 9 pm, the tree is lit up with tens of thousands of LED lights and a Swarovski crystal star. The ceremony ends with a spectacular fireworks display.

Tips for Attending the Ceremony

If you plan to attend the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, arrive early to get a good spot. The event attracts a huge crowd, so it’s best to get there at least a few hours in advance. Second, dress warmly since the ceremony takes place outside and it can get chilly. Finally, be prepared for large crowds, long lines, and heavy traffic in the area.

Questions and Answers

Q: How tall is the Rockefeller Christmas Tree?

A: The tree is usually between 75 and 90 feet tall.

Q: When did the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting tradition begin?

A: The tradition started in 1931 when construction workers building Rockefeller Center decorated a small tree with handmade garlands and strings of cranberries.

Q: How is the tree lit up during the ceremony?

A: The tree is lit up with tens of thousands of LED lights and a Swarovski crystal star.

Q: What should I bring if I plan to attend the ceremony?

A: You should bring warm clothing, snacks, and drinks since the event can get crowded and chilly.

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