Perm Rod Set On Natural Hair: A Comprehensive Guide

Perm Rod Set on DRY Tapered Natural Hair Tapered natural hair
Perm Rod Set on DRY Tapered Natural Hair Tapered natural hair from


Perm rod sets have been in trend for quite some time now, especially among women with natural hair. This styling technique involves using perm rods to create defined, bouncy curls that last for days. If you are new to this technique, this article will guide you through the process of achieving a perfect perm rod set on natural hair.


Before you begin the perm rod set, it is essential to prepare your hair. Start by washing and conditioning your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair, and detangle it using a wide-toothed comb. This will help to ensure that your curls are well-defined and bouncy.

Choosing the Right Perm Rods

When selecting perm rods, consider the size and texture of your hair. Smaller perm rods will create tighter curls, while larger ones will create looser curls. If you have fine hair, go for smaller perm rods, and if you have thick hair, opt for larger perm rods.

How to Roll the Perm Rods

Take a small section of hair and apply a styling product of your choice. Start rolling the perm rod at the ends of your hair, and roll it up towards your roots. Make sure that your hair is smooth and taut while rolling. Secure the perm rod in place by twisting the ends in opposite directions.

Drying and Styling

After rolling all your hair, sit under a hooded dryer or air dry your hair overnight. Remove the perm rods gently, and fluff your curls using your fingers. You can also use a hair pick to create volume and shape your curls.

How to Maintain Your Perm Rod Set

To maintain your perm rod set, wrap your hair with a silk or satin scarf at night to protect your curls. Avoid using heavy styling products, as they can weigh down your curls and cause frizz. Use a light styling spray or serum to add shine and definition to your curls.


Q1: How long will my perm rod set last?

A: A perm rod set can last up to five days or more, depending on how well you maintain it.

Q2: Can I use perm rods on relaxed hair?

A: Yes, you can use perm rods on relaxed hair, but keep in mind that the curls may not be as defined as they would be on natural hair.

Q3: Can I use perm rods on short hair?

A: Yes, you can use perm rods on short hair. Use smaller perm rods to create tighter curls, and larger perm rods to create looser curls.

Q4: How often should I do a perm rod set?

A: It is recommended to do a perm rod set once every two weeks to avoid damaging your hair.

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