How To Wash Vans In 2023

The Ultimate Guide on How to Clean Vans Shoes How to clean vans
The Ultimate Guide on How to Clean Vans Shoes How to clean vans from


Vans are a popular type of footwear that come in a variety of styles and colors. However, with regular wear, they can become dirty and need cleaning. Washing your vans is a simple process that can be done at home with the right materials and technique.

Materials Needed

Before you start washing your vans, you will need a few materials. These include: – A bucket of warm water – Mild detergent or cleaning solution – Soft-bristled brush – Sponge or cloth – Towels

Steps to Wash Vans

Follow these steps to wash your vans: 1. Remove the laces and insoles from your vans. This will make it easier to clean them thoroughly. 2. Dip the soft-bristled brush in warm water and gently scrub the exterior of the vans. Be sure to pay extra attention to any dirt or stains. 3. Mix some mild detergent or cleaning solution in warm water and dip the sponge or cloth in it. Use this to clean the interior of the vans. 4. Rinse the vans with clean water to remove any soap residue. 5. Use a towel to dry the vans. Make sure to stuff them with newspaper or paper towels to maintain their shape while they dry. 6. Once the vans are dry, put the laces and insoles back in.

Tips for Washing Vans

Here are some tips to keep in mind when washing your vans: – Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the material of the vans. – Use a soft-bristled brush to avoid scratching the surface of the vans. – Always air-dry your vans, as putting them in a dryer can damage them. – Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as they can also damage the material of the vans.


Q: How often should I wash my vans? A: It depends on how often you wear them. If you wear them daily, you may want to wash them once a week or every two weeks. Q: Can I put my vans in the washing machine? A: It is not recommended, as it can damage the material of the vans. Q: What should I do if my vans have a strong odor? A: You can sprinkle baking soda inside the vans and let them sit for a few hours before washing them. Q: Can I use a stain remover on my vans? A: It is not recommended, as it can damage the material of the vans. Stick to mild detergent or cleaning solution.


Washing your vans is a simple process that can be done at home with the right materials and technique. By following the steps outlined above, you can keep your vans looking clean and fresh for longer. Remember to take care when washing your vans and avoid using harsh chemicals or hot water.

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