How To Cut Your Own Hair Men: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cut Your Own Hair A Guide for Men & Tiege Hanley
How to Cut Your Own Hair A Guide for Men & Tiege Hanley from


With the pandemic forcing us to spend more time at home, many men have turned to cutting their own hair. However, not everyone is confident in their skills or knows where to start. In this article, we will provide tips and guidance on how to cut your own hair at home.

Preparing Your Tools

Before you start cutting your hair, make sure you have the right tools. You will need a pair of sharp scissors, a comb, and a handheld mirror. It is also recommended to have clippers with different guard sizes in case you want to trim your hair shorter.

Choosing the Right Style

Deciding on the right style for your hair can be intimidating, but there are plenty of resources online to help you find inspiration. Look for pictures of haircuts that you like and consider your face shape and hair texture. It is also important to keep in mind that certain styles may be more challenging to achieve on your own.

Dividing Your Hair

Once you have chosen your desired style, it is time to divide your hair. Use the handheld mirror to see the back of your head and divide your hair into sections using the comb. Start with the sides and work your way to the top and back of your head.

Trimming the Sides

When trimming the sides, use the clippers with a guard size of your choice. Start from the bottom and work your way up, using the comb as a guide to ensure an even cut. Be sure to blend the hair at the top with the hair at the sides for a seamless look.

Trimming the Top

When trimming the top, use the scissors to cut small sections of hair at a time. Comb the hair upwards and cut in a straight line, following the guide of the comb. For a textured look, point cut the ends of the hair instead of cutting straight across.

Trimming the Back

Trimming the back of your head can be tricky, but it is possible with the help of a handheld mirror. Use the mirror to see the back of your head and cut small sections of hair at a time. Be careful not to cut too much hair at once, as it can be difficult to fix mistakes.

Final Touches

After you have finished trimming your hair, use the handheld mirror to check for any uneven spots or missed areas. Use the scissors or clippers to touch up any areas that need it. Finally, take a shower and style your hair as desired.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake when cutting your own hair is cutting too much hair at once. This can lead to uneven or choppy haircuts. Another mistake is cutting your hair when it is wet, as hair can appear longer when wet and lead to shorter than intended haircuts. Lastly, avoid using dull or old scissors, as they can cause split ends and damage to your hair.


Q: Can I cut my hair with kitchen scissors?

A: It is not recommended to use kitchen scissors, as they may not be sharp enough and can cause damage to your hair.

Q: How often should I cut my hair at home?

A: It depends on your hair type and desired style. On average, it is recommended to cut your hair every 4-6 weeks to maintain your style and prevent split ends.

Q: Can I cut my hair without a handheld mirror?

A: It is possible to cut your hair without a handheld mirror, but it can be more challenging to see and reach the back of your head.

Q: What should I do if I make a mistake while cutting my hair?

A: If you make a mistake, try not to panic. Depending on the severity of the mistake, you may be able to fix it by trimming the surrounding hair or waiting for it to grow out. If you are unsure, seek the advice of a professional hairstylist.

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